Friday, November 8, 2013

When should I send care packages? Anytime!

Students love getting packages from home throughout the year, so really anytime is good, but in general there are about three to five times during the year that most families send packages.

Move-in - This can just be a package that you leave at the residence hall front desk as you leave after dropping your child off at college. It will probably take a few days for your child to even check his mailbox (most students rarely receive actual mail these days) so he will wonder how you sent this package so fast. Typical items to include are a handwritten note of encouragement, favorite homemade treats (nothing that will spoil too quickly), a few pre-packaged meals or snacks. Pictures from the family pet are popular as well, as is a little cash.
Mid-term exams - If you know exactly when mid-term exams will be, send the package to arrive the week of exams or if you don’t know, you probably can’t go wrong sending it right in the middle of the semester. This package can also include snacks, notes and gift cards to local restaurants or shops.
Get well package - This is an easy package to assemble and can contain cough drops, hot tea bags, chicken soup mix, crackers and a small supply of over-the counter medications for cold and flu. Chances are high that your child will get sick sometime during the first two months of the semester, so have this package ready to send when you hear that he’s ill.
Finals care package -These are the most popular and usually include a combination of healthy and maybe some not-so-healthy snacks, handwritten notes of encouragement for each day of finals week and quick, heat and eat meals like Easy Mac, soups, and stews.
Additionally, don’t forget holidays like Halloween, Thanksgiving and birthdays.

Whenever you decide to send care packages, make sure that your student knows they are on their way. Students don’t check their mail very often and there’s nothing worse than finding a month-old care package, full of moldy cookies behind the mail desk of a residence hall.

*I am a big fan of the U.S. Postal Service Priority Mail boxes. These can be picked up at your local post office and you can either pre-pay the postage on them or pay online and print the postage yourself, so all you need to do is fill the box, tape it up and drop it in a mailbox.  The boxes are also trackable and pre-insured, which is handy when you want to know whether or not the package has been delivered. 

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