Thursday, November 7, 2013

The Top 10 Things for Parents to Pack For Move-in Day

1. Patience – When asked about their least favorite things to do, most people would probably include moving on a list along with filing taxes and oral surgery. Let’s face it, moving is hard and at most college campuses this rite of passage takes place in the sweltering heat of summer. Plan ahead to allow plenty of time to move and complete anything else you and your child need to take care of on campus. It’s also a good idea to confirm the hours of various offices you may need to visit on campus during move-in day.
2. A sense of humor – Nothing diffuses tense situations like a good sense of humor. When you consider that this is just one day, although an important one, in your entire life it will be easier to see the humor in a stuck elevator or the bottom falling out of a fully packed box. In the years to come, you will most likely remember these mishaps with a smile.
3. A calm and open mind – Roommates with purple hair and piercings can still be great roommates. Don’t jump to conclusions about roommates or anyone else for that matter. If the paint is peeling in your child’s dorm room, make sure he notices it and records it on the room check-in form, hang a poster over it and appreciate the fact that the room is safe and conveniently located. He can probably arrange to repaint the room later.
4. Water and snacks – This should be similar to a picnic lunch, enough for everyone to have a decent meal if needed. Even if the food services are open on campus, lines may be long. If you end up not needing the food, you can always enjoy it as a snack on the way home.
5. Prescriptions and over-the-counter medications - Don’t skip any regular medications and bring your prescriptions with you. Moving may take longer than you expect and you might be ready for your next dose before you realize it. Also bring; Band-Aids, over-the-counter medications for various ailments such as headache, motion sickness, stomach upset etcetera.
6. Books or ebook readers, phones, and plenty of chargers- If you end up having to wait an hour to unload or need to kill some time in between moving in and another program it helps to be able escape into a good book, a game, or your favorite music. Use breaks as a time to relax.
7. Comfortable clothing and shoes, and maybe a change of clothes- A change of clothes might not be necessary, but it can’t hurt either. You will sweat and may get dirty while moving.
8. Cash, change, checkbook and debit/credit cards- There’s always a miscellaneous fee that pops up or maybe your younger child wants a college t-shirt. You don’t have to say yes, but be prepared in case you want to.
9. Pertinent paperwork from the college - Including campus maps or at least the emails your child received about move-in day and events.
10. An extra set of car keys - I can’t tell you how many times people have locked both sets of keys in the car. Like I said, move-in day is crazy, but it’s okay, you packed your sense of humor!

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