Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Now is a Great Time to Reevaluate Spending

October is a good time for you to help your student reevaluate his or her budget. By this time in the semester, most students have a somewhat set spending pattern, so this is a good time to look at the following expenditures to make sure they fit into your student's original budget.

Meal Plans - Is your child using more of the meal plan that you expected? If it looks like he may run out before the end of the semester, it may be time to add some funds to the meal plan or discuss ways for him to economize what funds he has left. Students can save money by scrutinizing how they spend their meal plan and cutting out extras such as snacks, high cost soft drinks or coffees, or maybe he can switch to eating a quick breakfast in his room or apartment three days per week instead of buying breakfast on the way to class.

Fun Money - Everyone needs a little extra money for going out to movies, or for meals, but if it looks like your student will run out of fun money by November 1st, that's NOT fun. Students should explore the numerous free or low cost activities on campus by reading the campus paper or watching campus advertising and social media. Programs sponsored by residence halls and the activities boards are always popular as well. Students can still go out with their friends, but attending free events or going out for an ice cream or a coffee instead of an entire meal can save a lot of fun money over time - more fun for less money!

Money Leaks - This is a great time to look for money leaks and fix them before the end of the semester. Depending on your student, money leaks can take the form of just about anything. Maybe he's downloading too many $1.99 apps or games (those add up!), maybe she's buying too many t-shirts, or maybe he's spending too much on gasoline by driving instead of walking, riding a bike, or taking the bus. This is where parents can help their child understand budgeting and work on a plan to control spending.

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